Foolish Mortal

What year is this?!?!

I dropped my wife off at the dentist to get a crown. Since I had some time to kill, I popped on over to the used-stuff-store. Used video games, music, toys and such. The parking meter only took quarters. I had only one quarter in the car. That bought me 20 minutes of browsing.

My cheap Walkman knockoff is supposed to record audio onto tape, but it introduces so much noise that it’s unlistenable. I was hoping to find a dual cassette deck at the store. Mine doesn’t work anymore. It’s been sitting in my garage for 22 years. I should open it up and see what’s going on inside of it. Not that I know what I’m doing…

No luck on the tape deck. I did leave with some good stuff though.

Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast CD I never cared for Iron Maiden when I was a kid. But I have developed an appreciation since then, thanks to Sirius XM.

Nativity in Black - A Tribute to Black Sabbath CD I don’t think that I ever owned a copy of this. I know that I recorded the best songs onto tape back in ‘94 when it was released. (My friend had the CD.) This compilation is worth owning simply for Type O Negative’s cover of Black Sabbath (the song).

I like music on vinyl, but it’s so expensive. I got Iron Maiden for $10.00.

NIB was $5.00.

Dvorak Symphony No 9 Cassette I probably have this on vinyl, but I couldn’t pass it up for $1.00.

The Best of the Animals Cassette There’s some good stuff on here of course. It is the best of, after all. The case is broken, but that’s pretty normal. Tape cases break if you look at them funny.

Side note: They had Metallica’s …and Justice for All (their best album1) on CD for $12.

I still have my copy from the 1900s, So I don’t need it. But they also had a cassette copy for $25. Whoa. I believe that album was released when CDs were getting more popular, perhaps there aren’t too many copies left. I left it. I’m not a Metallica collector.

  1. Master of Puppets is also their best album. I’ll never be able to pick one over the other.