Foolish Mortal

The Elusive Book

I have been searching for a certain book that I read when I was a kid. My public library had a copy that I borrowed every time it was on the shelf. Their single copy was well worn. It was held together with a rubber band at the end of its life. I still borrowed it anyway.

It was Master of the Five Magics, by Lyndon Hardy.


I have been searching for a copy in every used bookstore, thrift store and antique store that I visit; especially when we are on vacation in any of the other Untied States that I don’t live in. I have been searching for six years.

I am well aware that I can order a copy on eBay for less than $10. That isn’t the point. I have been questing for this elusive book. I will not succumb to the temptation of the internet. I want to stumble upon a copy in the wild.

I went to a new-to-me, local, used bookstore the other day. They had small, cardboard drawers filled with fantasy books. Each drawer was labeled with letters. I searched through each of the Fantasy G-H drawers. I was excited to find a book with Lyndon Hardy’s name on it! But then I discovered that it was the sequel to my elusive prey.


There was a sequel?!?!?

I did a little internet research and found that there are actually six books in the series. This quest just got a whole lot bigger.

I bought the book and asked the clerk if they had the first book in the series. She looked at the author’s name and knew the answer without consulting her computer. She said that they rarely get Lyndon Hardy books.

My quest continues.